Film Availability
The day has come! Flower & Flame is now available for streaming on select sites. We'll post additional information when we find out about other ways you can watch the film. Stay up to date with public screening events here.
When can I see the film?
Flower and Flame is now available for streaming!
Will there be DVDs?
We are not planning to release the film on DVD or Blu-Ray at this time. Please enjoy the film via one of our streaming platforms.
Can I see the film in person?
Public screenings are ongoing. Please check our Screenings page for regular updates.
Can I show the film at my venue?
Yes. Please email our Educational Distribution Partner, Collective Eye Films, at screenings@collectiveeye.org or fill in the community screening request form to host a screening at your museum, theater, community organization, library or educational institution.
Library and University licensing?
You may obtain a license for your organization via our Educational Distribution Partner, Collective Eye Films. Click this link to explore the licensing options.